Thursday, 16 February 2017

Database entry: Planet - Freth


The Drath people of the Freth system are a warlike race, everything about them says that you don't want to find one in a back alley on a Saturday night. they look rather wolfish in appearance, their black manes are underlined with sharp barbed spikes and at 7-8 foot tall they strike a mean, powerful pose. They have numerous military instillations throughout the galaxy, and are always watching everyone else's forces. they do have a good reason to be wary of other races, their first contact didn't go well, they were put to war and they lost their home world Freth, they that survive now live in the moon, still orbiting the wreckage of their world, it's cracked into 5 equalish chunks that have fallen back together and now their planet is a dead uninhabitable world, it has huge segments missing or out of place. so as you can imagine they don't welcome any outsiders and are seldom seen, when they are seen however, they are always followed by trouble. Their moon now their home, they have no colonies and no want of any new world to live on.

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