Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Quicklight: Battle Of Reveran III

Quick note here, I'm going to try a new format, called Quicklights, which are quick spotlights only reaching one or two paragraphs in length. These are going to be for things that don't have enough lore or aren't important enough to write spotlights about. Hope you enjoy!

The battle of Reveran III was one of the most controversial battles in Alliance history. The Reveran system contained 12 planets, two of which were "habitable". The third planet, Reveran III, was similar to Venus with a thick atmosphere, hellish temperatures and intense acid rain. Reveran IV, the system's other habitable planet, by stark contrast, was a cold wasteland populated by large four winged flying lizards, often called Reveran Dragons, although they were technically Wyrens. They didn't breath fire.

The Battle of Reveran III was a ground assault by Monarchist forces during the first civil war. The Equalist instillation was heavily guarded and had hundreds of Anti-Air emplacements. Despite this, the Monarchist forces attempted to land 120 Frontem class dropships, each carrying 40 Marines, without support. Only 12 dropships managed to land their troops, and of those only 6 managed to leave the planet again, the others were either disabled or destroyed after dropping off their marines. Despite the heavy losses the operation was considered a success as the instillation was captured. The overwhelming number of marines sent in compared to the number required to actually successfully capture the instillation lead many Monarchists to question their leadership's definition of "acceptable losses".

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