Thursday, 8 June 2017

Quicklight: Ictus class starship

Ictus class starship
Constructed in early years of the Ringworld Era, the Ictus class starships are some of the most unique ships in the galaxy, and one of the most powerful designs ever created.
Despite it's small spaceframe the ship has a pair of large thrusters embedded in the aft of it's triangular hull and a pair of high power lance cannons affixed to either side of the hull. However the feature that makes the Ictus class both unique, and impractical for mass production is that the ship has no main (or auxiliary) reactor core. In fact, the ship has no ability to generate or store power and relies on the presence of an Illian to power the ship. These ships are the personal ships of the Illians and are used as force amplifiers for their battle tactics. The ictus class ships went out of service shortly after the First civil war, during which they were all destroyed.
 Over the years leading up to the first civil war a few Ictus class ships were lost or destroyed due to various failures and aging parts. However they were all replaced at a rate to keep a maximum of 9 in existence at any one time.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Quicklight: Battle Of Reveran III

Quick note here, I'm going to try a new format, called Quicklights, which are quick spotlights only reaching one or two paragraphs in length. These are going to be for things that don't have enough lore or aren't important enough to write spotlights about. Hope you enjoy!

The battle of Reveran III was one of the most controversial battles in Alliance history. The Reveran system contained 12 planets, two of which were "habitable". The third planet, Reveran III, was similar to Venus with a thick atmosphere, hellish temperatures and intense acid rain. Reveran IV, the system's other habitable planet, by stark contrast, was a cold wasteland populated by large four winged flying lizards, often called Reveran Dragons, although they were technically Wyrens. They didn't breath fire.

The Battle of Reveran III was a ground assault by Monarchist forces during the first civil war. The Equalist instillation was heavily guarded and had hundreds of Anti-Air emplacements. Despite this, the Monarchist forces attempted to land 120 Frontem class dropships, each carrying 40 Marines, without support. Only 12 dropships managed to land their troops, and of those only 6 managed to leave the planet again, the others were either disabled or destroyed after dropping off their marines. Despite the heavy losses the operation was considered a success as the instillation was captured. The overwhelming number of marines sent in compared to the number required to actually successfully capture the instillation lead many Monarchists to question their leadership's definition of "acceptable losses".

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Database entry: Planet - Libranis


Libranis is home to the mighty owlaffian race, a bizarre bird like race, they are a very old race, yet they are also a very recently discovered race, they have features similar to an owl with pitch black eyes. They joined the federation not long after their discovery and are the first of the "New worlders", excuse my Eagiian slang, to do so.
Libranis is a mountainous world, caused by the many small tectonic plates that continually collide, this has two effects, loads of mountains, and loads of tectonic vibrations aka; earth quakes. The area between the mountains is covered with towering forests reaching over 200m tall.

Database entry: Planet - Werzle


Werzle is a world of daylight, there is no night as the planet is suspended orbiting a Pentagonal star system, it is always daytime and the surface has been scorched by so much radiation that it is a dead uninhabitable planet, however in a twist of fate the planet was hollowed out by a disaster involving a black hole and an elastic band, this has lead to the planet's interior being the perfect place for ship building, it has an atmosphere but it also has nullified gravity leading to its reputation as one of the best ship yards in three galaxies.

Database entry: Planet - Shal'han


Shal'han is barely even a world, it is a colonised asteroid cluster, with so little gravity that each bio-dome has artificial gravity instead. Although often described as a world it isn't and never was, it was a moon, a small one at that, but when the inevitable destruction came, early, but it came none the less, the moon was shattered into exactly 1,394 pieces of which 154 remain. This moon was discovered and colonized by the Voyron simultaneously, it's thought that their mission brief was something along the lines of:
Commander:"You there, go find some place and colonize it!"
Expedition leader:"Righty ho!"
they then found Shal'han and thought That'll do, we're home. and so it was decided that the asteroid belt was to be colonized.

Database entry: Planet - Po'nith


The frozen ice world Po'nith is so bleak that not even the resident Voyrons don't know why they live there, the colony being the second oldest of the Voyrons it's thought that the colony ship crash landed there but home world decided to send another colony ship to the original target world and telling the colonists to just make do. after a year about 3/4 of the colonists managed to escape on a homebuilt shuttle, however a few actually became fond of the place and stayed behind. Only other thing to say is that it's damned cold out there.

Database entry: Planet - Alzifar


Alzifar is the biggest of the 7 Voyron colonies, it's a world of jungle islands and oceans, it's a typical tropical paradise, or it would be if some of the plants weren't quite so aggressive, there are over 20 species of plants that can and will attack animals but they have been cleared within 30Km of the colony borders, and good thing too, with over 250,000 inhabitants.

Database entry: Planet - Byrea


Byrea is a desert wasteland dotted with jungle oasis's, it is home to a race so unsatisfied with their home world that now over half of their population live off world, the Voyron people have 7 colony worlds and now half their population live in these colonies, they are: Alzifar, Po'nith, Shal'han, Werzle, Hyron, lyor and Frenn. all of these colony worlds are much nicer than Byrea, so if your looking for a good holiday destination, Byrea isn't really what you want. The Voyron people have 2 legs, 4 arms and their entire body is encased in an exoskeleton, they also have one huge compound eye and to top off their buggy appearance they have a pair of pincers on one set of arms. There are two different races of Voyron, there are the described insectoid species and also an ape like species that are similar in appearance apart from their lack of exoskeleton, they have bones, flesh and fur, they also have 3 eyes instead of the compound eye and instead of the pincers they have more hands, these were originally the lesser jungle species but now that they have all moved to the colonies their numbers now equal that of the desert species that still refuse to join any of the colonies, they just like sand too much.

Database entry: Planet - Threl


Threl is the home world of the Tharg people. Tharg, also known as "The Darkness" are a race who little is known about, they are only ever seen as fleeting shadows and whenever killed their bodies vaporise within seconds, however one was wounded and captured once but he would only say "I am Tharg of Threl" and "they will find you, we are coming and nothing will stop us". he, for it was decided that Tharg was a male name, was a pure black, stood 8 1/2 foot tall and vaporised after delivering his message. it is believed that it was The Darkness that destroyed Freth, they appeared from nowhere destroyed Freth in one attack run then vanished again, it is also believed that they share a hive mind as any sane being would not kill himself for no reason unless being controlled, this also leads to the theory that they're insane.

Database entry: Planet - Il'ith


IL'ith is the home world of the Oparth. it's an icy wasteland orbiting a tiny star with its two seasons caused by its orbit coming to within 10 light minuets of its sun every year, this causes the brief period of summer when the valleys flood and fresh water oceans defrost, it is a time of great cheer and at it's peak the Oparth have a celebration called y'eo, during which they hold competitions for hunting the many fish that get put into a kind of natural deep freeze during the rest of the year, outsiders are most welcome during y'eo as long as all fish caught are put into the 'fish bank' to be saved for the rest of the year, however the hunting season only season lasts for one of the three months (the IL'ithian calendar has 24 months) that the melt normally occupies, this allows the fish stocks to breed before the freeze. the Oparth people themselves resemble large penguins, white all over and without the useless wings but with arms and hands. they live high on the peaks of the mountains so as not to get flooded during the melt. this makes IL'ith a popular skiing resort. However during the rest of their year IL'ith is subject to temperatures of less than -40 degrees Celsius. the year only lasts for 271 earth days which is 240 IL'ithian days, each month is only short 10 days.

Database entry: Planet - Freth


The Drath people of the Freth system are a warlike race, everything about them says that you don't want to find one in a back alley on a Saturday night. they look rather wolfish in appearance, their black manes are underlined with sharp barbed spikes and at 7-8 foot tall they strike a mean, powerful pose. They have numerous military instillations throughout the galaxy, and are always watching everyone else's forces. they do have a good reason to be wary of other races, their first contact didn't go well, they were put to war and they lost their home world Freth, they that survive now live in the moon, still orbiting the wreckage of their world, it's cracked into 5 equalish chunks that have fallen back together and now their planet is a dead uninhabitable world, it has huge segments missing or out of place. so as you can imagine they don't welcome any outsiders and are seldom seen, when they are seen however, they are always followed by trouble. Their moon now their home, they have no colonies and no want of any new world to live on.

Database entry: Planet - Phatea


Phantea Delta is the home world of the Phantens, it is a large moon of a gas giant Phantea Beta, however it is tidally locked to Phantea Beta, this causes day to occur on only one side and the other to be in constant night. this has led to an interesting evolution producing a small 3 foot tall blue Phanten with ears that stickup another foot above his head and a trunk that reaches their chin, they're a rather new species to the interstellar market place, with no outside contact until only year 809, or earth year 1997, when their first colony ship came into orbit over Regus Prime. Their unconnectedness has left a lot of xenophobia in Phantens who formerly believed that aliens didn't exist, so its currently a planet in turmoil. The new sales opportunities have led many Phantens to over look any residual fear and sell their many products of the rich jungles and lush plains, it's quickly becoming a planet renowned for its ivory with the vast 8 tusked mammoth herds it's no wonder.

Database entry: Planet - Regus


Regus Prime is an interesting world, it's a joint colony world for the Alcinnians and the Phatens. the Alcinnians were first to settle on the planet but after the Phatens landed they made first contact with the outside universe, as an act of kindness the Alcinnians allowed the Phatens to settle the world as long as they kept a joint government with the Alcinnians. the planet has light turquoise waters and from space the ground is a dark green colour.

Database entry: Planet - Alcyone


Alcyone is an average green-blue planet with an orbit in the shape of two 8's stacked on top of each other, this is caused by its four suns, Alcyone A, B, C and D. an otherwise intelligent people the Alcinnians still worship all four suns as their gods and every year (7.5 earth years) they return to Alcyone for the festival of Tarr, a festival in honour of the four gods, said to be a man and his three wives, as is traditional for Alcinnians. during this festival they make sacrifices to their gods. The sacrifices last an entire month and outsiders aren't welcome, so don't be there during the festival or you can legally be sacrificed, and probably will.
The people themselves are a very handsome race, they resemble european humans most closely but they are more slender and have a slightly taller average height. They also have pointed ears and that led to them being described as the 'elves' that are in human lore.
They are a peaceful people and have colonies on only one other planet, Regus Prime.

Database entry: Person - Laras'nye



Gender (if applicable):


Date of birth:

2506 TMY

Date and cause of death:

40,266 AR - Victim of the plague of end times

Synopsis of life:

Laras'nye and her twin sister, Lanas'nye, were born on the Terran homeworld during the few hundred years after the Terran - Du'lak war. The pair were very close during their early years, more so than sisters tend to be, thanks in large to the extensive racism from many of the Terrans there. Laras'nye was involved in the insurrection incident on Lin'kin, and returned as the sole survivor shortly before she joined the Terran navy as a Fighter pilot. The incident scarred her heavily, and weighed darkly on her mind for a few years afterwards.
Whilst in the Terran navy training program her flight unit was paired with a marine training unit as part of the process to help train all involved with dropships and the like. One of the marines in the unit she befriended, later became the Ninth Illian.
Laras'nye was only 19 when she was assisting the TMS Zedox, a surveyor class ship, as a sensor sweep pilot. During one of her runs Laras'nye was the first one to discover the first ring world.
Laras'nye was extended by the Ninth Illian, whom she remained friends with during her rise to the rank of fleet admiral. Laras'nye remained in the navy for the majority of her life, including surviving the battle of ring 13, fighting on behalf of the ninth faction. After the first civil war came to an end, Laras'nye and the Ninth Illian grew much closer. Larasn'ye and the Ninth Illian were married on AS1 a few years before the Time skip.
During their time in the newverse Laras'nye gave birth to her daughter Itzl atavuli. Laras'nye adopted Itzl's friend, Tess atavuli after her family was killed in an accident whilst the two were still in collage. 
Laras'nye refused to take sides in Itzl's rebellion and was one of the largest supporters of friendly relationships between the alliance and the Empire prior to the formation of the federation.
Laras'nye met her eventual fate during the end days of the war of the end times, when she, along with everyone else was claimed by the plague.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Database Entry: Ship - Carrier of worlds


Captained by the ninth Illian and for a while acting as the flagship of the Allied fleet, the carrier of worlds wasn't the largest ship ever produced by the alliance by any means, but she was one of the most notable. The Carrier of worlds was constructed after the end of the first civil war and carried 1,188 fighters and interceptors, a massive amount for her size. The ship housed the Time-drive that allowed for travel through time and was the conduit that jumped the allied fleet into the secondverse during the Time skip.


The Carrier of worlds was 986m long, 188m wide and 47m tall


The Carrier of worlds was armed with a pair of fixed hyper-lance beams using class 15 focus crystals, A pair of fore facing AA turrets and 16 hyper velocity missile turrets.


The Carrier Of Worlds carried 1,188 fighters, 4 crescent class bombers, 4 'squiddie' dropships along with 8 scorpion's angel light tanks and 8 gryphon's devil heavy tanks. 

FTL capabilities:

The Carrier of Worlds was equipped with Slipstream runners, a warpdrive and a Time-drive.


As Itzl Atavuli notes: 
"My father never let them update the interior, apparently it's as bare bones as it was when it launched."
"[...] she's maintained but never sees action anymore. Mothballed really, but nobody wants to admit it; she's still the only ship with a time drive."

Database entry: Ship - Spirit Of Rebellion


The Spirit of Rebellion was constructed by the Navalia shipyards after they joined the 10th faction's rebellion, better known as the Itzillian rebellion. She served as the flagship of the Itzillian navy for many years and as with most Itzillian designs she was both functional and luxurious in her interior. The ship carried a multitude of different shuttles, fighters and drones as well as a heavy armament, leading to her incredible versatility.


The Spirit of Rebellion was just shy of 800m long and 300m wide.


The Spirit of Rebellion was armed with 40 quad barrel plasma launchers, 3 triple barrel hyper velocity rail guns and hundreds of small anti-aircraft point defense lasers and railguns.
The Spirit of Rebellion was also equipped with a pair of unique missile launcher assemblies. Each assembly could launch 1,000 'medium' guided missiles before needing to reload.


The Spirit of Rebellion carried 8 Aires 'stub' shuttles, 60 Aries 'main assult' fighters, 30 Aires 'heavy' drones and 14 Aries 'light' drones.

FTL Capabilities:

The Spirit of Rebellion was able to travel through Warping space with a warpdrive as well as slipspace. Although not really FTL drives, the ship was equipped with combat-grade Luminal and Jump drives.


The Spirit of Rebellion was the designed by it's captain Tess Atavuli, specifically to be a flagship for an empire. As such the ship contained a specially designed bridge spanning 3 decks that allowed for an admiral's seat behind the captain's from where an admiral could direct the ship's captain and coordinate fleet maneuvers. 

Sunday, 12 February 2017

The Lii

In addition to the original Type A races, a new race has been added to the Terraverse lore as part of a story arc that takes place in a new galaxy, known as "Faraway". The Lii are a light blue skinned humanoid race, very similar in size and shape to Terrans. 
The Lii are originally encountered by the expedition to Faraway as a hostile force with a similar technology level, that quickly overwhelms and nearly destroys them.

The Lii Race
The Lii are born of the world Lii'una, they are a humanoid race with light blueish skin and naturally red hair. They have small brightly coloured frills in place of ears that both allow them to hear slightly better than Terrans and breath under water. On average they live a similar length of time to the Terrans (around 200 Terran years).

The Lii's homeworld, Lii'una is a world covered entirely by a single huge jungle of mega-fauna, with trees reaching nearly half a kilometer high. Accessible only by a few massive sinkholes the entire jungle is sitting atop a massive cave system, forming a giant cavernous area in which most of the Lii's cities both hang from the roof and protrude from the floors. The caves are covered in bio luminescent plants that light up the vast majority of the huge supports that hold up the cave. With water coming mostly from the surface in huge waterfalls, that then converge into the many rivers and lakes, that fill the cave system. The native creatures that live in the "undersystem" are able to see perfectly in the near pitch dark, although the Lii do have an affinity for the dark, their dark-vision is not on par with many of the creatures that call the undersystem home, many of them more than capable of consuming a Lii whole.

The Lii Government
The Lii control a large portion of Faraway, due both to the very few other native races and their large military force. The Lii's government, ruled from Lii'una is a bizarre mixture of an empire and a democracy, in which the people vote, sometimes on a daily basis, on topics for the more imperial side of the government to judge the public's opinion on. They are able to vote from most computers, allowing one vote on each topic, once logged in with a person's user. The votes are each categorized based upon a person's standing in society, adding move value to the votes of those with higher levels of education. Imperials are unable to vote. The imperial side of the government makes all the decisions within the Lii's system. The imperials are based upon bloodline, however, they avoid inbreeding and new bloodlines are regularly introduced to the imperial lines. The Lii government is regarded widely as a fair system by both those inside and outside of it. They do not enslave other races but welcome them into their system, sometimes forcefully, although any resistance rarely lasts long. The imperials regarded the Faraway expedition as a severe threat to their rule as their technology is on par and in a rare occurrence go against the popular vote in initiating a preemptive strike.

Main military ships
The Lii's military force primarily uses two main ship classes and a multitude of other support ships. 
Their primary fast attack ship is a destroyer class, equipped with 4 large gun turrets. Like the majority of Lii ships they have 3 large wide engines stacked atop each other upon their rear, white armour plates and multiple large antenna on their fore faces.

The Lii's Heavier attack ship is a Battleship class, equipped with 7 large gun turrets. The battleship class has a similar architecture to the Destroyer, including a similar style of 3 rear engines and multiple white armour plates. The Battleship also has a greatly increased sensor range thanks to the additional antenna. 

The Lii ships are technologically similar in strength to the Alliance ships that took part in the Faraway expedition giving their large numerical advantage an additional edge.